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Luis González-Mérida
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Vol 36 No 1 (2017), Studies
Submitted: 21-11-2015 Accepted: 11-07-2016 Published: 19-12-2016
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It is often discussed how to weigh the effect of Kant’s inheritance in Schopenhauer’s metaphysics. Regarding the heart and the substance of his Thebes with a hundred gates, Aramayo (2011) considers as proper to read Schopenhauer’s ethics as a radicalization of Kantian formalism. To my understanding, in order to delimit where continuity ends, it is necessary to do an exhaustive analysis on the bridge that leads from one to the other. In this sense, the criticism addressed to Kant in On the Basis of Morality is not an accidental fit in his single thought. It contains what is missing about our subject in the critical appendix of his main opus. From the analysis of concepts to the (proto)genealogic interpretations which this polemic offers, there is a same underlying purpose: purifying the concept of practical rationality as a solution to the aporia and the stumbling blocks in Kant’s ethical legacy.
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