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Mariano Lastiri
Universidad de Buenos Aires / CONICET
Vol 31 No 2 (2012): Nuevas contribuciones Iberoamericanas a la metateoría estructuralista, Monográfico
Submitted: 12-03-2013 Accepted: 12-03-2013
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In this work I consider some preliminary discussion to a reconstruction of quantummechanics from a structuralist point of view. I try to answer the question about QM- nontheoretical terms, i.e., which magnitudes can be measured independently of Schrödingerequation and Born’s rule. One of the relevant features that can be analyzed once this questionis answered is the measurement problem. Since measurement problem is directly relatedto the linear character of the state temporal evolution given by Schrödinger equation, measurementof values of those concepts which don’t presuppose this law won’t be affected by this problem. Though this doesn’t answer all questions about quantum measurement, constitutesa first step in the direction towards a more thorough understanding of this problem.

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