No 23 (2011)

Imperios: luz y tinieblas

Published: 2012-05-04

Table of contents


  • Pedro López Barja de Quiroga
  • José María Portillo Valdés
  • Ramón Máiz Suárez
Published: 04-05-2012

On Empires from a comparative perspective

  • Antonio Annino
Published: 04-05-2012

On the just war

  • Pedro López Barja de Quiroga
Published: 04-05-2012

Roman Imperialism in a Postcolonial World

  • Ana Mª Suárez Piñeiro
Published: 04-05-2012

The Decline of the Habsburg Empire: some considerations from the Galician case

  • María del Carmen Saavedra Vázquez
Published: 04-05-2012

Constituting Independence

  • José M. Portillo Valdés
Published: 04-05-2012

Philippines: empire, independence and path dependence

  • Manuel Mª De Artaza Montero
Published: 04-05-2012

Translations and interpreters in Imperial Egypt

  • José M. Galán
Published: 04-05-2012

Mudéjar Art as an alternative language in the Spanish Empire

  • Pilar Mogollón Cano-Cortés
Published: 04-05-2012