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Sergio Guerra
University of La Habana
No 28 (2016): Revisiting Revolution in History. Introduction, Articles
Submitted: 03-08-2016 Accepted: 04-09-2016 Published: 20-12-2016
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The theme of revolution seems to become out of fashion because of the extraordinary dissemination of postmodern thought and its questioning of the enlightened idea of linear progress and the validity of the actual concept of revolution. The fall of the Berlin Wall and the crisis of socialism seemed to confirm this view when it was enthusiastically proclaimed the "end of history". However, nothing is far from reality. The very imposition of neoliberal globalization conformed new relations of domination that are undoubtedly incubating the seeds of emerging revolutions, even if, by their very nature, it is impossible to predict with accuracy. This text provides a reflection on the theme.

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