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Eric Denis
Institut Français de Pondichery, CNRS
No 23 (2011): Imperios: luz y tinieblas, Contemporary issues
Submitted: 04-05-2012 Accepted: 04-05-2012 Published: 04-05-2012
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This article aims to explain the evolution of the world cities of Istanbul and Cairo; in the Euro-Mediterraneanand Middle East region, as well as in the urban world system. An analysis of differentstatistical indicators of the hierarchical position of these metropolises in the urban system is done.The aim is to probe the senses of their displacement during this period, in order to explain them after.We conclude that their high degree of resilience would have recently permitted them to recovertheir centrality in the regional urban system. This would be favored by the reinforcement of theirpivotal position in the margins of Europe and the recovering of the value of their historical vacuums.

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