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José M. Portillo Valdés
Universidad del País Vasco El Colegio de México Instituto Mora
No 23 (2011): Imperios: luz y tinieblas, Decline an Fall of the Spanish Empire
Submitted: 04-05-2012 Accepted: 04-05-2012 Published: 04-05-2012
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From a comparative point of view, this essay examines the imperial crisis of the Spanish monarchyin the first three decades of the nineteenth century. Differently from other Atlantic Europeanmonarchies it was the merging of imperial and monarchical crisis as well what characterized theSpanish crisis. The main conclusion of this essay consists in showing, in a preliminary draft, thatthe idea of proclaiming independence as part of a constituent process and issuing a constitution asa manifestation of new status, were concepts transferred to political law from civil law. Thus, theidea of emancipation could be used practically by each single pueblo inside the Spanish monarchy.

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