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Sandra Haro Márquez
Vol 22 No 2 (2023): Revista RIPS, Research notes
Submitted: 30-10-2023 Accepted: 13-11-2023 Published: 26-12-2023
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The 717 Laboratory for Democratic Participation and Innovation in Andalusia effectively illustrates how collaboration between academic and government institutions can promote citizen participation and innovation in the field of democracy. The Andalusian Citizen Participation Law, enacted in 2017, was pioneering in establishing a regulatory framework to drive the active involvement of citizens in public affairs, either in person or through digital platforms.

Laboratorio 717, born from the collaboration between the University of Granada and the Junta de Andalucía, represents an innovative initiative to strengthen citizen participation and foster innovation in the democratic sphere. This laboratory stands as a space dedicated to reflection, experimentation and debate on participation, capitalizing on academic experience and inter-institutional cooperation to strengthen the implementation of the law and explore new possibilities for the future. This collaboration between institutions is an outstanding example of how universities can play a crucial role in promoting public innovation and citizen participation, contributing to the strengthening of democracy and fostering an environment of democratic innovation at the regional level and beyond.

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