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Inmaculada Melero López
Universidad de Murcia
Vol 21 No 2 (2022), Articles
Submitted: 20-03-2022 Accepted: 10-06-2022 Published: 21-12-2022
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Framing theory allows us to understand a version of reality that, although it can be presented in a different way, acquires sufficient importance so that the message can be interpreted according to that specific reality. Given the different contributions from the field of political communication, this paper aims to provide an approach to the study of the theory, its background and its different mechanisms of impact on communication and political science. Likewise, it offers a theoretical description of the main authors and their different ramifications from the beginning of their study linked to cognitive psychology and sociology. The theory acquires great current relevance due to its applicability in different modalities within the branch of social sciences. For this reason, it is essential that, from a theoretical approach, a compilation be provided on what its principles are and what such a tool frequently used in a competitive political scenario consists of.

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