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Adriana Amado Suárez
Universidad Argentina de la Empresa
Vol 4 No 17 (2022): SDGs 14 and 15 on the training and information agendas | Disinformation, Essays
Submitted: 27-10-2022 Accepted: 27-10-2022 Published: 16-12-2022
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Disinformation is addressed from a global perspective, in which diagnoses and tools are shared to counteract it. However, fake news does not operate in the same way in societies that have little interest in information and high restrictions on freedom of the press as in democracies with institutional guarantees. When information is devalued by propaganda and polarized versions of political events, the concept of disinformation can be used to justify restrictions on the press and digital conversation. Thus, far from improving the quality of information, certain measures excused by disinformation can accelerate a post-truth spiral, where information is relativized and citizens respond with skepticism to the news and mistrust in the institutions that lead it.