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Martha Isabel Gómez Lee
Universidad Externado de Colombia
Vol 4 No 17 (2022): SDGs 14 and 15 on the training and information agendas | Disinformation, Research articles
Submitted: 15-10-2022 Accepted: 25-11-2022 Published: 16-12-2022
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From the radical critical viewpoint of ecofeminism, the aim of this paper is to obtain a comprehensive picture of the global solution to the problem of biopiracy or unauthorized use of the biological and genetic resources and knowledge systems of indigenous peoples, especially through the use of intellectual property rights. It is analyzed that, since it is a problem of ecological globalization, the actors involved in biopiracy are found in three divergent structures. The causal structure of central capitalism corresponds to those actors whose behavior causes the negative effects of biopiracy by considering women, peasants and indigenous people as "housewives" whose work is considered non-labor and without knowledge. While the periphery corresponds to the actors who suffer these effects despite being those who work in biodiversity conservation. Therefore, a third structure is required to solve the problem. Here we find the elite of the actors of the two previous structures and those who have the responsibility to solve the problem of biopiracy. Therefore, the adoption of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework requires a collective and profound reflection on us and our intrinsic relationship with nature and its guardians.