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Horacio Pereyra
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - CONICET
Paula Lucero
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Andrea Mastrangelo
Universidad Nacional de Misiones
Vol 4 No 17 (2022): SDGs 14 and 15 on the training and information agendas | Disinformation, Research articles
Submitted: 14-10-2022 Accepted: 18-11-2022 Published: 16-12-2022
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The aim of this paper is to analyze, from an ethnographic point of view, different meanings of memes about agribusiness and biodiversity in Argentina.

Memes are pieces of graphic communication that became widespread with internet culture and that social science has defined as multimodal texts put into circulation to be exchanged and replicated in public expression and discussion.

We collected on social media (Facebook and Twitter) an universe of 75 memes between June 2021 and September 2022. We first analysed their authorship (anonymous and nominal issuers), circulation and content, grouping them into two categories referring to different instances of the society-natures link: a) the dispute between agribusiness and agroecology, where agribusiness, led by scientific research (e.g. Bioceres), represents its domination and destruction and b) biodiversity and agribusiness, where the state shows itself to be helpless in the face of the destruction of biodiversity, while at the same time legitimising the agro-industrial model.

It is concluded that memes about agribusiness are, for some social groups, a communicative tool that, using humour, that "gentle form of desperation", interpellates the reader-consumer, seeking his or her identification with the ideology of struggle against agribusiness, reporting biodiversity collapse in the process of accumulation by dispossession.