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Lucia Pisciottano
Vol 4 No 16 (2022): Political Economy of Communication and Cultural Studies | Poverty, Hunger and Migration, Research articles
Submitted: 20-04-2022 Accepted: 16-05-2022 Published: 06-07-2022
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In the last three decades, Argentine cinema has undergone great transformations, since its near disappearance in 1994, going through a period of renewal, a subsequent expansion of its aesthetic margins and an increase of its heterogeneity, which lasted until 2015, when a new challenge for national audiovisual production appeared with the return of neoliberal economic policies and the arrival of a pandemic that almost completely paralyzed production later. In this article we will carry out a general review of these stages, using the Cinema of Marginality as the articulating axis of the period, understanding the nodal importance that it has had throughout the last decades.

The process of digital convergence has modified the different media and cultural industries globally. However, the local characteristics present particular features that differ in each region. We could think that, in Argentina, this process initially allowed the expansion of the aesthetic margins but that, as the new forms of audiovisual were installed in the 21st century, there is less and less room for an auteur, independent or avant-garde cinema. Under this premise, the article will investigate the progress of the audiovisual industry in Argentina, for this cinema that had re-emerged from the margins.