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Manuel Docampo García
Universidade da coruña
Vol 4 No 15 (2021): Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), Essays, pages 105-119
Submitted: 27-10-2021 Accepted: 08-11-2021 Published: 17-01-2022
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This essay makes an analytical review of the evolution of cities, from the pre-industrial to the post-industrial era, focusing on their problems and the forms of production of space. Likewise, a study is made of the different currents of thought in urbanism, scrutinizing their postulates and propositions. From materialism to post-materialism. From Posturbanism to New Urbanism. The city, as the scene of conflicts, is at the center of any debate on sustainability and respect for the environment. In recent years, sustainable urbanism that focuses on the need to refer to the betterment of the entire human species, of this and future generations, and to do so in harmony with the well-being of the rest of the species that inhabit the planet, has been gaining ground. The 2030 Agenda is the perfect framework for the development of this new urban planning paradigm.