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Jorge Gutiérrez Goiria
Instituto Hegoa - Universidad del País Vasco
Andrés Fernando Herrera
Instituto Hegoa - Universidad del País Vasco
Vol 3 No 14 (2021): Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions | Decent Work and Economic Growth, Research articles, pages 52-66
Submitted: 23-07-2021 Accepted: 23-07-2021 Published: 22-07-2021
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The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) call for profound changes to address development challenges of all kinds at the global level. This ambitious starting point is not without its problems, including doubts about its implementation, or possible contradictions between the goals themselves. This article studies the implications of SDG 8, which, together with employment, proposes economic growth as a mechanism for advancing in the fulfillment of the Agenda and its objectives. Based on a review of the concept of growth in the framework of development theories, it analyses possible conflicts with other SDGs focused on social or environmental objectives.

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