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Adán Hernández
Escuela Normal intercultural "Lic. Manuel Larraínzar"
Vol 3 No 10 (2019), Research articles, pages 59-76
Submitted: 31-03-2019 Accepted: 10-06-2019 Published: 21-07-2019
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In this article we discuss advances in academic research about the experiences of school mobility and international cooperation of indigenous students who are trained as teachers in rural and intercultural schools in Chiapas. The purpose was to identify the participation of students in the programs and rebuild the learning experiences that they value for training as indigenous teachers.

A qualitative study was applied, with in-depth interviews to recover the experiences. The results show the gap that still exists in the entrance of indigenous students to intercultural schools, as well as the scarce, there das very little particopation in the mobility programs. The experiences of students in these programs, account for learning, professional skills, the value of interculturality, as well as the challenges imposed by the internationalization of higher education to teacher training.

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