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Marina Hernández Prieto
Universidad de Salamanca
María de la Peña Pérez Alaejos
Universidad de Salamanca
Francisco Javier López Gil
Universidad de Salamanca
Vol 3 No 10 (2019), Research articles, pages 32-45
Submitted: 09-01-2019 Accepted: 05-06-2019 Published: 21-07-2019
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The audiovisual communication sector has been subject to fundamental changes as a result of technological transformations. The advent of the digital paradigm and media convergence has given rise to phenomena that range from the dissolution of geographical barriers to the multiplication of modes of production. The article presented seeks to investigate the effects of all these changes in the audiovisual production sector in Castilla y León. Its main objective is to carry out an analysis of the development of business models in the sector and for this, the research uses the proposal of National Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE-2009); updating the census of audiovisual production companies in Castilla and Leon to 2018; identify the productive and financing model of the industry; and, finally, establish an approximation to the level of internationalization of the sector. The methodology used includes, first of all, a questionnaire self-administered to the companies of the sector carried out through the Qualtrics platform and secondly a focus group with some representatives of the producing agents and distributors of the autonomous community. The conclusions of the study show, in terms of turnover, both the general shrinkage of private consumption and public spending in recent years, and the small size of practically all the actors in the region. The lack of association between the different agents of the sector is also a verifiable fact, as well as the limitations in terms of internationalization. On the other hand, two important problems are identified that affect the lack of development of the productive sector in the region: the first refers to a historical deficit that the Autonomous Community has been accumulating with the sector in terms of the commitment to the audiovisual production of the region and the second to a clear lack of commitment to R & D & I in this productive sector.
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