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Zósimo López
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)
Vol 2 No 9 (2018), Research articles, pages 30-41
Submitted: 01-10-2018 Accepted: 16-12-2018 Published: 19-12-2018
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The aim of this work consists in analyze the process of construction of the didactic materials for a subject linked with the didactics of technologies applied in an on-line teaching environment. At the first place, it plans a theoretical frame focused in the challenges that generates the preparation of didactic materials on technologies and the obstacle that supposes to create them for put into practice in some on-line environment according to the educational paradigms that generates the distance education. Regarding the proposal we will take like sample the design of the didactics materials from the subject La Aplicación de las TIC y las TAC en la Enseñanza de la Lengua. This subject is part of the plan of studies of the Master Universitario en Didáctica de la Lengua en Educación Infantil y Primaria which is taught in virtual mode at the Universidad Internacional de La Rioja. This subject is oriented to offer to the student the necessary knowledge to understand how to apply the ICT to the didactics of the language in the classroom with students of Early childhood and Primary Education in different educational contexts. Finally, we will offer the conclusions, in which we will confirm the idea of having created and put into practice some materials of inclusive character.

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