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David Rushton
Institute of Local Television
United Kingdom
Vol 1 No 1 (2015): Revista Internacional de Comunicación y Desarrollo, Essays, pages 117-125
Submitted: 21-01-2015 Accepted: 21-01-2015 Published: 21-01-2015
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The paper provides evidence for localism to be represented through ‘local public service television’. The author suggests that communication responsibilities (including broadcasting and wireless broadband) should be based on the principles of devolution and subsidiarity (or double-devolution): with progressively greater localization of regulation from state to nation to the local scale.

A tiered regulatory structure of state, nation and local would conform to European cross border terrestrial and satellite regulation while transforming the scope as well as scale of public service broadcasting, introducing a greater equity for civic as well as the devolved nation democratic representation alongside the present state-wide and state-dominated channels.

Satellite TV would continue to operate across frontiers although these may become influenced by the greater critical mass afforded nation and local content that the tiered regulatory model proposes.

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