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Paulo Mota Lourenço
Associação de Solidariedade Social dos Profesores, Lisboa
Vol 29 No 2 (2020): Special Issue. Socio-economic challenges of demographic change, Articles, pages 1-14
Submitted: 25-05-2020 Accepted: 02-10-2020 Published: 16-10-2020
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Using the Conceptual Model of the Social Study of Ageing Processes, this research aims to analyze the perceptions of digital natives of solidarity and intergenerational ambivalence on ADLs, demonstrating the influence of intergenerational cohesion in informal care. The methodology develops a mixed, quantitative (N = 993) and qualitative approach, Focus Group (N = 24), applied between 2017 and 2018 to students of the 12th year of schooling in secondary schools in the municipality of Setúbal, Portugal. The results show greater perception in females (50.7%) and in young people aged 16 (58.5%). The highest perception is registered in the degree of autonomy of grandparents (49.4%), the lowest being available to care for the elderly
(53.1%). Structural Solidarity is the dimension that presents higher values of perception in the analysis of the content of the narratives. The study concludes that intergenerational solidarity and ambivalence influence young people's perception of Informal Care.

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