Contido principal do artigo

I. Guerra
F. Borges
J. Padrão
J. Tavares
( U. VIGO- ES)
M.H. Padrão
v. 26 n. 2 (2017), Articles, páginas 129-142
Recibido: 01-12-2017 Aceito: 01-12-2017 Publicado: 01-12-2017
Direitos de Autor Como Citar


The so-called Smart Cities have been playing an important role in the academic literature
as well as in the agenda of public policies. With the forward thinking of “creating” new
urban development models, the cities intend to strategically positioning themselves and at
the same time develop cooperation networks. Frequently using the Information and
Communication Technologies (while as a means to an end and not as an end itself), the
cities try to assure a greater economic competitiveness, the environmental sustainability
and the reinforcement of citizenship (calling out to people to participate, in the scope of an
inclusive logic and in an appeal to creativity and social responsibility).Even the 2020
European strategy promotes this development.The geographic scope of the study is
limited to the city of Porto. This is justified by the fact that, in 2015, Porto was one the five
European cities selected to participate in the GrowSmarter (model of organization of cities
of the future), an ambitious project with the objective of making Europe more sustainable
and environmentally intelligent.
Besides that, the Portuguese Smart Cities Index, 2016, points out the city of Oporto as the
Portuguese city with better results in what concerns the main vectors of intelligence
(policy, strategies and projects implemented, edification, mobility, energy and smart
services).At the same time, in the international press, the city of Porto appears as a
reference for its architectural wealth and as one of the more indicated European
destinations for one who would like to enjoy quality holidays at a reasonable price.That is
perhaps why Shermans Travel presents Porto as one of the top 10 destinations for
intelligent tourists. The purpose of the present study is to understand if the emergence of
smart cities can be in some way connected to the appearance of smart tourism. For such a
purpose, we will study the city of Porto and a survey will be conducted among the tourists
of the city.This article compiles some of the first results of the study, referring to the data
collected during the months of August and September of 2017, and intends mainly to set
out some hypotheses about the motivation for the choice of a tourist destination, that will
be developed in future works.

Detalles do artigo


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