Contido principal do artigo

I.V. Mitrofanova
Institute of Social, Economic and HumanitarianResearches of the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences;Department of World and Regional Economics, Volgograd State University
Federação Russa
G.I. Starokozheva
Department of State and Municipal Management, Volgograd State University
Federação Russa
E.A. Shkarupa
Department of Theory of Finance,Credit and Taxation, Volgograd State University
Federação Russa
V.V. Batmanova
Department of World and Regional Economics, Volgograd State University
Federação Russa
I.A. Mitrofanova
Department of Economics andManagement, Volgograd State Technical University
Federação Russa
A.B. Tlisov
North Caucasian Institute ? Branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Federação Russa
v. 25 n. 3 (2016), Articles, páginas 57-68
Recibido: 07-12-2016 Aceito: 07-12-2016 Publicado: 07-12-2016
Direitos de Autor Como Citar


It is indispensible to pay a particular attention to the regional aspect of creation,

functioning and management of the specially protected natural areas at the study of the

natural resource use in the economic districts of Russia and some Russian regions. The

share of the net of the specially protected natural areas is 11,7% of the surface of the

Russian Federation. Under the conditions of a new geoeconomic zonation they create their

ecological frame, play an important role in the solution of the problems of the

conservation of the biological diversity at the process of the accelerating the neo

industrialization of the economic life of regions. In these territories the maintenance of the

stability of the natural area is provided with the help of special natural use and territory

protection regimes. In the article it is shown which types of the specially protected natural

areas exist in the Southern Federal District of Russia, their specificity, the specific

managerial approaches are analyzed and variants of their modernization are offered.


Detalles do artigo


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