Dear colleagues,

The growth of digital technologies in the economy has created new opportunities for entrepreneurs. The digital world environment supported by technological devices (e.g. mobile computing) and social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Instagram) have opened up new avenues to create new digital business models and media channels. Multinational companies but also small firms are doing everything or the main part of their business on the web (e.g. Google, Amazon, Facebook).

The unique characteristics of digital technologies made many tools available to entrepreneurs that could be used to innovate and start new ventures. For instance, open innovation and crowdsourcing facilitate co-creation and customer feedback on the development of new products, services, websites or apps. Similarly, crowdfunding platforms (e.g. Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Go Fund Me) made funding a social or business project more simply and fast. Because of the internet, new digital business models (e.g. freemium, subscription, on-demand, affiliate, drop shipping, consulting, advertising, blogging, digital media) exist. Further, business models (features and value of offerings) would continue to evolve even after they have been introduced to the market.

Digital entrepreneurship is the practice of pursuing new ventures opportunities presented by new media on Internet technologies. Therefore, entrepreneurs in a digital economy must be aware of market opportunities for developing new ideas and business models and communicate their value propositions to potential customers and investors. In this context, a question that deserves to be answered is: how entrepreneurs are dealing with an increasingly digital world. To shed light on this topic, we would like to invite contributions to a special thematic section of the Revista Galega de Economia/Galician Journal of Economics dedicated to Entrepreneurship in the age of the digital economy.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Digital disruptive business models
  • Digital entrepreneurs and innovation ecosystems
  • Online startups
  • Collaborative digital economy
  • Digital fundraising (Crowdfunding)
  • Exploring opportunities in virtual markets
  • Internet-enable small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
  • Female digital entrepreneurship
  • Social digital entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurial orientation and digital technologies
  • Digital open innovation (Crowdsourcing)
  • E-entrepreneurship, e-business, e-commerce
  • Digital marketing for entrepreneurship
  • Digital ecosystems for entrepreneurship
  • Competitive advantage in digital businesses
  • Market oriented digital entrepreneurs

Deadline for manuscript submissions

Original research is welcome for publication in this special thematic section of this issue. All submissions will undergo anonymous review to guarantee high scientific quality and relevance to the subject. The special thematic section of this issue will be open for submission from 1st of March to 30th September 2022.

We look forward to your submission for consideration for publication in this special thematic section of this issue. Papers will be sent to anonymous reviewers, which will evaluate each submitted paper for acceptability for publication.

Guest Editors:

  • Susana Bernardino (, Politécnico do Porto, Portugal),
  • Orlando Rua (, Politécnico do Porto, Portugal)
  • José de Freitas Santos (, Politécnico do Porto, Portugal)