Contido principal do artigo

Department of International Trade and Finance, Istanbul Gedik University, Istanbul, Turkey
Department of Econometrics, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey
Yaşar Serhat YAŞGÜL
Department of Economics, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey
Vol 27 No 1 (2018), Artigos, páxinas 145-158
Recibido: 26-06-2018 Aceptado: 26-06-2018 Publicado: 26-06-2018
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The E7 countries (China, India, Brazil, Russia, Mexico, Indonesia and Turkey)
that have been growing fast since 1990s have been under the middle income country
category according to the income category classification of the World Bank for a long
period of time. Researchers have been interested especially in emerging economies that
have not been able to move up from the middle income category to the high income
category and this has led to the initiation of what’s called the ‘middle income trap’ (MIT)
discussions in literature. The MIT is generally defined as the countries under the middle
income category failing to move up to the high income category. Therefore, the purpose of
this study is to identify the presence of MIT in E7 countries that hold an important
position in global economy. The unit root tests were used in the empirical phase of the
study. This study’s difference from other studies is the fact that both the time series and
the panel data unit root tests were used both in linear and nonlinear forms, thus
preventing the misleading results created by choosing the wrong model specification.
The USA was taken as the reference country in the study and the GNI per capita
according to the Atlas method (current US$) data of the World Bank was used for the E7
countries for the period 1969-2015. To achieve consistency in the analysis results, Russia
was not included in the model as there were no data available for the same period for
Russia given the fact that the same timeframe should be taken as the basis for all
countries. The empirical analysis showed that the E7 countries do not fall into the MIT.
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