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Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
I.V. Mitrofanova
Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences;Department of World and Regional Economics, Volgograd State University
E.G. Russkova
Department of Economic Theory and Economic Policy, Volgograd State University.
E.A. Shkarupa
Department of Theory of Finance,Credit and Taxation, Volgograd State University, Russia.
V.V. Batmanova
Department of World and Regional Economics, Volgograd State University, Russia.
I.A. Mitrofanova
Department of Economics andManagement, Volgograd State Technical University, Russia
Vol 26 No 2 (2017), Artigos, páxinas 97-112
Recibido: 26-09-2017 Aceptado: 26-09-2017 Publicado: 26-09-2017
Copyright Como citar


The article displays basic problems and it studies prospects of the development of
the agrarian entrepreneurship in contemporary Russia. Under the conditions of the
foreign economic sanctions, respective Russian counter sanctions and the Russian
direction of a large scale import substitution it is necessary to start the activity in the field
of the creation of the conditions for the modernization of agrarian technologies of
production, in the creation of highly qualified information and analytical services, in the
training the personnel for the farming, in the increase of the arable surface for working
entrepreneurs doing business in the agricultural sphere. Such measures like the increase
and qualitative improvement of public grasslands and hayfields for cattle from private
subsidiary farms, development of agricultural cooperation in gathering, storage,
processing, formation of lots of goods and the selling of the production of farms and
private subsidiary farms, development of the infrastructure and logistic provision of rural
areas will allow creating conditions for a competitive and balanced development of the
agricultural business.
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Detalles do artigo


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