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Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
Vol. 23 Núm. 4 (2014), Artículos
Recibido: 22-09-2015 Aceptado: 22-09-2015 Publicado: 22-09-2015
Derechos de autoría Cómo citar


Many authors have remarked the importance of the Technology Based Firm (TBF) in

the last years, in part due to factors like innovation, production scale, technological change

and their flexibility in the production processes to create aggregate value. Instead of these

arguments there is not a definition of the technology based sectors, these sectors and their

technological level are described in this article. It is also analyzed the returns of scale and the

size composition of these technological sectors, where it is shown that the technology based

SMEs are as efficient as the large enterprises.


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