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Sergio Soza-Amigo
Instituto de Gestión e Industria, Universidad Austral de Chile. Los Pinos s/n Balneario Pelluco, Puerto Montt, Chile.
Lorena Paredes
Departamento de Salud, Universidad de Los Lagos. Avda. Fuschlocher 1305, Chile
Vol 33 No 1 (2024), Articles, pages 1-22
Submitted: 15-06-2023 Accepted: 20-10-2023 Published: 01-03-2024
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This article contrasts whether the sectors with a GDP close to the average contribute more to the economic system through their employment multipliers and/or dispersion effects than those with a higher GDP. To achieve this, an 11-year horizon (2008-2018) and the 11 main centers of Chile's macro territories [Norte Chico (6) and Patagonia (5)] are used as a reference. The input-output matrices are used as source of information from which the variables GDP, employment multiplier and dispersion coefficients are obtained, the latter understood as those that allow quantifying the scope of the repercussions of an economic activity, by means of its direct and/or indirect effects. The results allow us to conclude that economic activities with a GDP close to the average, such as that of the education sector, show diffused effects that support the idea of facilitating development through changes in their production versus others that, with high GDPs, show concentrated effects that therefore limit their contribution in terms of interaction. These results will contribute to the establishment of economic development policies according to the particularities of each territory.