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Jorge Alberto Lopez Arevalo
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas
Vol 31 No 1 (2022), Articles, pages 1-22
Submitted: 14-10-2021 Accepted: 18-01-2022 Published: 24-06-2022
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The COVID pandemic has affected the global economy and most countries are facing a double crisis: health and economic. Mexico's responses to these crises have been among the worst in all Latin America. The aim of this paper is to analyse Mexico's economic dynamics and its response to the pandemic crisis, paying particular attention to the role played by the US countercyclical policy.

Based on the study of the changes and implications of the process of economic liberalization and trade integration with the US as well as the comparative growth and budget spending patterns, it is concluded that its countercyclcial policy contributes to Mexican economic growth.

The results show there is no roadmap for dismantling the neo-liberal economic model. Mexico finds itself tied to the US economic cycle.