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Alejandra María Feal Pérez
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
María José Piñeiro Mantiñán
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Rubén Camilo Lois González
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Francisco Durán Villa
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Vol 22 (2013): Economics of inequality, Special
Submitted: 25-09-2013 Accepted: 25-09-2013
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This article aims to provide a regional view of poverty in Spain from the perspective of the Europe 2020 strategy emphasizing the changes resulting from the economic crisis. This analysis is performed under the objective of inclusive growth that secures the European 2020 Strategy (EU2020S), formally adopted by the European Union in 2010, to reduce the levels of poverty and social exclusion The survey study of 13 socioeconomic indicators at the regional level and the identification of relationships between the socioeconomic indicators of the EU2020S has allowed (i) to place Spain and its regions in the European context, (ii) to evidence the changes resulting from the crisis, (iii) to identify relationships between the studied variables and (iv) to propose clusters of regions according to their distance to the objectives of the EU2020S.
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