Vol 7 No 2-3 (2018): Educación infantil y familia, Miscelánea
Submitted: 09-11-2018
Accepted: 22-11-2018
Published: 08-01-2019
Due to its popularity among younger audiences and its pedagogical possibilities, animation cinema is a magnificent educational tool for the formation of values, anti-values and the intellectual and emotional development of students. This confluence between cinematographic animation and education has occupied numerous pages of the magazine “Padres y Maestros”, in film guides version, that through the study of a total of 27 films and 1 short film has established a set of pedagogical methodologies about this medium audiovisual and its specifities. From this sample, a series of pedagogical questions are shown. Their differences and points in common with regards to the narrative and opportunities of real action cinema have shown an enormous educational potential in many practical applications, especially, the development of work projects in early childhood education; and a considerable amount of bibliography aligned with pieces of great cultural and artistic interest.
Education, Animation Film, Cinematographic Narration, Values, Childhood, Family, Movie Guides, Work Projects