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  • María Miguélez Vila
María Miguélez Vila
Vol 7 No 1 (2018): Neurociencias y educación infantil, Experiencias, pages 167-186
Submitted: 10-07-2018 Accepted: 10-07-2018 Published: 13-07-2018
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At the end of the sixties and the beginning of the seventies, Philosophy materials for children appeared. Their aim was to develop the capacities of critical, cooperative and creative reasoning through dialogue, listening and group work. It is presented here an experience that shows how philosophy can be taught in Early Childhood Education, becoming the backbone of the didactic sequences developed to achieve the objectives outlined in the curriculum and at the same time contributing effectively to the achievement of Basic Competences. The proposal that took the form of the Classroom Project was aimed at encouraging critical thinking, questioning and reflecting on the amazement of the world that surrounds us. It presents a previous reflection on the foundation of the practice followed by the activities and materials that comprise it and its repercussion in the classroom.

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