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Antonia Garabal Sánchez
Mª Dolores Vázquez Camino
Dolores del Pilar Pato Gándaras
Laura Paz Urso
María Esther Castelao Balboa
Vol 2, Nº 3 (diciembre 2013), Experiencias, pages 235-262
Submitted: 20-02-2018 Published: 20-02-2018
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The artistic dimension is an essential part of the comprehensive development of the individual. This paper discusses, from the perspective of contemporary art, the education of young children by encouraging to develop, through the expressive and symbolic language, all its expressive potential and putting up dynamics of participation and consensus among them.

Under the common title for the entire cycle of "WALKING", children performed in classrooms their "art" after watching, saying, thinking and  discussing ... the work of different artists who inspired us and served as a model. Using  those ideas as inspiration, the paths covered in the different classrooms was:

For the 3 years old children, “RECORRIDOS” of their homes, food and clothing before entering school,

4 years old, ”RECORRIDOS” of their dreams and imagination, starting from the “Zapatolandia” project.

5 years old, “RECORRIDOS” of their five year old identity through words that help them to construct their identity, favorite words, sounds…

Recognizing and presenting these works of art has allowed us to enter, listen, and see a small part of the children´s world of dreams, imagination, feelings and emotions at the same time that it has allowed them to perceive that their work is important and valued by all.

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