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  • Belén Raja
Belén Raja
Vol 1 No 2 (2013), Experiencias, pages 179-192
Submitted: 20-02-2018 Published: 20-02-2018
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Art has much to contribute to our classrooms and not just in the area of plastic, but in all areas of early childhood education. Under this premise, the author describes some of the experiences that she has carried out in the school where she works, located in a small town near Barcelona. The article starts with the great possibilities that art offers to early childhood education: it makes us free, it teaches us to observe things with wide open eyes, it allows us to think and analyze, it facilitates intellectual growth, it teaches us to love the beauty and to project it onto spaces and objects. Looking for these objectives, the author describes in detail four experiences carried out in her class: (a) the Mona Lisa  by Leonardo da Vinci; (b) work of Joan Miró; (c) the Masks of Kimmy Cantrell and (d) Desconsuelo (Grief) by Josep Llimona

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