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Pierluigi Malavasi
Vol. 5, nº1 (Abril 2016). Infancia y naturaleza, Monográfico/Tema del mes, pages 39-48
Submitted: 21-02-2018 Published: 21-02-2018
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Laudato si’, the encyclical of Pope Francisco on the care of the common home, promotes the importance of pedagogical-educational programs for the governance of human development, it encourages good research practices on an international and local level. political and multilateral economic agreements, territorial development projects require to support the formation of personal conscience, responsibility within and between generations among the peoples, a firm trust in the cooperation.
One of the key issues of the text is the call to globalize solidarity. In the inaugural address for the Universal Exhibition in Milan, May 1, 2015, the Holy Father recalled the importance of the event to understand the drama of the food, between abundance and scarcity, malnutrition and obesity. The theme of Expo, Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life, so essential to not only remain the subject of a temporary event, must be translated “in the consciousness of the faces of millions of people today are hungry, that today will not eat worthily of a human being. “The drafting of the encyclical crosses the main environmental issues that have a global dimension and precedes by a few months the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21), international event of 2015 on the status of the common home. In nations symposium in Paris are called to officially take a stand on climate change, global issue that synthesizes the substantial carelessness with which international policies have treated the planet. The “conscience of the faces” implies education for global citizenship, in order to ensure the continuity of actions to reduce food waste and mitigate climate change, educating to solidarity.
key words Encyclical, Educational Challenges, expo 2015, cop 21

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