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Aitor Leniz Atxabal
Universidad del País Vasco - EHU
No 34 (2024), Articles
Submitted: 12-04-2024 Accepted: 23-09-2024 Published: 11-10-2024
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We know that the regions that currently comprise the Basque Country held a crucial position in the Castilian maritime economy during the Early Modern Age, and port trade was bidirectional, meaning that products circulated both from the sea to various inland populations and vice versa. The Basque economic boom from the Late Middle Ages was partly related to the legal, administrative, and economic status that revitalized the Basque economy and the road network that structured land commerce. Additionally, different ranges of products circulated depending on whether the regional market dealing with the port was local or from the interior of the Iberian Peninsula. In this case, we will focus exclusively on the land commerce of the ports on the Eastern coast of Bizkaia, primarily in Bermeo, Lekeitio, and Ondarroa, which are currently located within the Lea-Artibai ans Busturialdea regions.