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Manuel F. Fernández Chaves
Universidad de Sevilla
No 32 (2023): Mujeres emprendedoras en el Antiguo Régimen: negociantas, empresarias, vendedoras, comerciantes..., Articles
Submitted: 07-10-2022 Accepted: 17-08-2023 Published: 05-09-2023
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In this article the author analyses the access to freedom using a sample of freedom charters of Seville between 1512 and 1600. The main objective is to know, on the one hand, the mistresses’ condition and behaviour in the moment of freeing the enslaved women under their dominance. On the other hand, we aim to know which type of slaves were granted by a freedom charter (by their colour and cultural origin) and in which age they achieved it. To do so, the author distinguishes between the freedom charters granted freely, those with conditions and those obtained by payment. We want to understand the motives beneath the concession of freedom, who were their main subjects (mistresses and slaves), and which cultural and economical reasons emerge in those documents, paying special attention to the maternity, the presence of the slaves in the long term in the house and service of the mistresses and the cultural relationships established between them.