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Josep San Ruperto Albert
Universitat de València
No 31 (2022), Articles
Submitted: 09-11-2021 Accepted: 15-03-2022 Published: 11-04-2022
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This work explores the relevance of mercury as a global commodity and the management skills of certain transnational business companies in distribution of the raw material from central Europe to the main markets of its consumption. For them, two key issues are highlighted. On the one hand, it is explained how the globalizing process during the 17th century staring by mercantile networks ended up modifying the export routes of mercury, promoting European connections but also generating problems for the Iberian-Germanic alliances managed by the Habsburgs. On the second hand, it is examining how the companies organize the formation, the management, and the governance of business. It is explored the transnational alliances that assembled northern and southern merchants, a question that renews the historiographical considerations around the phenomenon of integration of economic actors in pre-industrial Europe. The sources used are of various types: from private contracts, commercial correspondence to institutional sources from the Republic of Venice and the Hispanic Monarchy.

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