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Asunción Retortillo
Universidad de Burgos
No 30 (2021): War and territory in the Spanish Monarchy, Varia, pages 315-344
Submitted: 16-11-2020 Accepted: 16-03-2021 Published: 29-10-2021
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Following the 1588 disaster, Spanish policy against England focused on implementing various plans aimed at curbing its activities by sea. One of this project was that Federico Spínola presented in Brussels to Esteban de Ibarra in 1593 proposing to sail the English Channel harassing Dutch and English ships. In the memorials presented by the Genoese, he committed himself to using galleys for the protection of the Netherlands, and to hinder the navigation of English and the United Provinces ships in the area, by cutting off trade between them. However, Philip II's strategic needs in the Canal after the attacks of the English navy of 1596 led him to negotiate with Spínola a new plan to take an English port to stop Queen Elizabeth I.

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