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Juan Ramón Goberna Falque
Instituto de Estudios Gallegos "Padre Sarmiento"
No 9 (2000), Reflexiones bibliográficas
Submitted: 03-12-2012 Accepted: 03-12-2012
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The concept of Civilization serves to a certain extent to hide a series of facts whose mention is not considered as convenient: its relationship with a class or group of privileged people who are the creators and owners of it and the fact that it is based on a catoptric structure, that is, a mirror's structure. The idea of Civilization or its consideration as a "fact" is a mirror in which the historian looks at with satisfaction when he sees that "reality" answers to his most private aspirations and secret desires. So, Historian can enjoy his own contemplation without feeling remorse or the same time that he imposes his own figure and essence to the rest of community.
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