No 16 (2007), Articles
Submitted: 30-11-2012
Accepted: 30-11-2012
In this article, mainly based on the existing literature, I will attemp to draw an overview of the varying importance and the different features of domestic service in various regions of early modern Europe. Firstly, I will summarise the content of some influential studies published decades ago by scholars such as Philippe Ariès, John Hajnal and Peter Laslett. Because of their role in fuelling further research, these studies deserve some attention, even though, by now, their conclusions have proved to be partially wrong. Afterwards I will discuss the results of recent research on the subject, focusing on similarities and dissimilarities at European level, and showing the limits of a more recent (and fascinating hypothesis) on families ties in Southern and Northern Europe put foward by David Reher.
domestic service, servants, gender, family ties, Europe