No 20 (2011): Poder, imagen, opinión pública y propaganda en la Edad Moderna, Articles
Submitted: 20-04-2012
Accepted: 20-04-2012
Published: 20-04-2012
The pulpit oratory was a means of expression and communication which was usedfor a similar purpose to our current mass media. Sermons, which were born to be listened to,but also read, were considered both creators and distributors of viewpoints, not only regardingreligious matters, but also as political and ideological propaganda. This is particularly apparentin conflicts faced by two factions who believed had a monopoly of the divine favour. In thisessay we study the War of Succession to the Spanish crown from the unique perspectiveoffered by castilian sermons, which were particularly close to the events and could thereforeaccurately transmit the moods and concerns of each historical period
sacred oratory, sermons, Propaganda, War of Succession, Philip V