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Gaetano Greco
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
No 22 (2013), Invited Article
Submitted: 18-11-2013 Accepted: 18-11-2013 Published: 02-12-2013
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This article analize the history of the parochial system of the Italian Catholic Church during the Early Modern History. The approach follows two different ways: the history of the juridical institutions and the history of the clergy. The first way analize a typical institution of the medieval Italy —la pieve— and their evolution on the time, simultaneously, it analyzes also the presence and evolution of two juridical models that it existed during the Early Modern History: the individual benefit of parish and the «ricettizie». The second way, it comes closer the process of disciplinamiento of the parochial clergy after the crisis that existed during the Renaissance and during the application of the laws of Trent. We can see the “original character” of the parochial Italian world, that’s to say, their extreme fragmentation, their lack of homogeneity to territorial way or their institutional variety. All this, explains the difficulty to reform it on the part of an episcopal hierarchy narrowly tied to the Roman Curia. This is what explains that inside the Italian Church they should have survived social and cultural situations that have made the relations problematic between the catholic clergy and the Italian society until middle of the XXth century
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