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David García Hernán
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
No 20 (2011): Poder, imagen, opinión pública y propaganda en la Edad Moderna, Articles
Submitted: 20-04-2012 Accepted: 20-04-2012 Published: 20-04-2012
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This article presents, in the first place, the last contributions in the Historiographyon war’s culture in Gold Century and the war and political propaganda derivative of her. It alsoexposes the literary ways more used for the broadcast of that culture, and it’s centered in theimportance of the same one inside of the exceptional spanish narrative of the Gold Century.In this literary gender one can see the transmission of a series of values on the war and themonarchy that although they didn’t have to respond to a direct watchwords from the elites ofthe power, yes they benefitted clearly (for the indoctrination that propitiated) to these, for therepetition of a series of representations. Some representations that, on the other hand, they were, in fact, those that the authors liked to use so that they had more success and broadcasttheir works. And everything could be it possible for the necessary likeliness in the argumentsof this works that they didn’t have to respond with accuracy to the reality of the facts, but thatthey were reflective, somehow, of a certain political and military context
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