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  • The request has not been previously published, or presented to another journal (or an explanation has been given in Comments to the editor).
  • The text fulfills the bibliographic and stylistic requirements indicated in Norms for authors.
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    The editor, in any case, is free of any responsibility resulting from the author’s eventual violation of intellectual property rights.

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  • -Margins shall be 2 centimetres on all four sides.
  • -Text: 1.5 spaces in font size 12.
  • -Notes:  1 space in font size 10.
  • -Articles shall be preceded by two summaries written in Spanish and English of 150 words each one, together with 5 key words.

4.- The works shall have the following header:

  • -Title of the article: centred and written in bold capital letters.
  • -Name and Surnames of the author: above the title, centred and written in lower-case italics.
  • -Affiliation: above the name of the University of Centre, which the Author belongs to, centred and written in lower-case italics.
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The names of the authors must appear in alphabetical order by the first surname in case they all contributed in the same way in the work. If the contribution of each author is different, it is recommended to state it in a note using the conventionalized terminology CRediT (https://casrai.org/credit/).

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7.- The textual notes included in the main text longer than three lines shall be enclosed in double quotes: «like this», using the same font and not in italics.

A quote included in another quote shall be enclosed in single quotes: «in other words, “this” is the correct way».

This have to be the way in which longer quotations should be introduced in the text, provided that they exceed the three or more lines. The size of the letter is 10, the text is indented to the right at 1.5 cm, and it does not have any type of quotation marks that open or close the text that forms it.

8.-Bibliographic references shall be included in the body text pursuant to the attached model and making specific mention to the pages in which the information referred to is found (Gaudemet, 1993, pp. 196-198).  It is important to include bibliographic references at the end of each sentence and not in the middle of the sentence. Thus, we will seriously hamper the reading process of our report to the interested reader (Vogel, 1977, p. 400; Derosas, 1978, pp. 25-29). It is therefore naturally to cite one or more works, but always according to the form prescribed in this document, which is, at the end of each sentence and separated by a semicolon (Gaudemet, 1993, pp. 196-198; Derosas, 1987, pp. 225-227; Vogel, 1977, p. 400; Sheenan, 1978, pp. 215-217).

Likewise, the author may include traditional footnotes in the text, but they must be used only for documentary references or additional clarifications regarding the information set out in the body text. In this case, the format of the documentary note shall be the following:

Corresponding file (hereinafter to be referred to as C.F.), Documentary resource, section or chapter, p. (page) or f. (folio).

This footnote may exceptionally include bibliographic references, but according to the already set out format and guidelines. Example: "See in this regard, Gaudemet, 1993, pp. 196-198; Vogel, 1977, p. 400; Sheenan, 1978, pp. 215-217."

9.- Bibliographic references at the end of the text and according to this format:

- On the basis of these typefaces:

VERSALS FONT, Not here (1978), “then, in Times New Roman font size 12”, cite the remaining bibliographic reference of the article, 1, 17, pp. 34-64.

VERSALS FONT, Not here (1987), then, in Times New Roman font size 12, cite the remaining bibliographic reference of the book, Place of publishing, Publisher.

- The format of bibliographic references shall be the following:

  • GAUDEMENT, Jean (1993), El matrimonio en Occidente, Madrid, Taurus.
  • VIRET, Jérôme-Luther (2004), Valeurs et pouvoir : la reproduction familiale et sociale en Ile-de-France, Ecouen et Villers-le-Bel, 1560-1685, Paris, PUPS.
  • TAPIA SÁNCHEZ, Serafín de (1995), “Los moriscos de Castilla la Vieja, ¿una identidad en proceso de disolución?”, Sharq al-Andalus, 12, pp. 179-195.
  • SHEENAN, Michael (1978), “Choice of Marriage Partner in the Middle Ages: Development and Mode of Application of a Theory of Marriage”, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History, 1, pp. 3-33.
  • DUBERT, Isidro (2005), «De la géographie des structures familiales aux stratégies adaptatives des familles en Espagne, 1752-1860», Annales de Démographie Historique, 1, p. 199-227.
  • LASMARÍAS PONZ, Israel (2013), “Cultura material de los moriscos aragoneses: vestido y apariencia”, en Casaus Ballester, Mª J. (coord.), Los moriscos en los señoríos aragoneses. Actas de las III Jornadas del Proyecto Archivo Ducal de Híjar. Archivo Abierto, Teruel, Centro de Estudios Mudéjares, pp. 211-244.
  • DEROSAS, Renzo (1987), “I Querini Stampalia. Vicende patrimoniali dal Cinque all'Ottocento”, en Busetto, Gullino et Gambier, Pisani (eds.), Querini Stampalia, un ritratto di famiglia nel Settecento veneziano, Venezia, Fondazione Scientifica Querini Stampalia, pp. 45-87.
  • BONNAIN, Rolande (1986), «Le mariage dans les Pyrénées centrales, 1789-1836», en Chiva, Isaac et Goy, Joseph, (dirs.), Les Baronnies des Pyrénées : anthropologie et histoire, permanences et changements, Paris, EHESS, vol. 2, pp. 123-156.

- IMPORTANT NOTE: It shall be compulsory for authors to submit a text, in which all works cited included the URL corresponding to the DOI. Authors may find out those works with DOI at CrossRef search engine. Example of bibliographic reference with DOI:

De Langue, Sophie (2012), “To thrive, one must wive? Subsistence strategies of single women in eighteenth and early nineteenth-century rural Flanders”, The History of the Family, vol. 17, Issue 2, pp. 199-219. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1081602X.2012.706369

Alfani, Guido et Gourdon, Vincent (eds.), Spiritual Kinship in Europe 1500-1900, London, Palgrave, 2012.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/9780230362703

The search and verification of the existence of DOI in a work is very simple. Please follow the following steps:

a) Register your email account at: http://www.crossref.org/requestaccount/ . Having done so, you will be sent a confirmation email with a link to an URL address in order to confirm account sign-up. Please, type you email account again and the digits appearing in the box below.

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You will see 2 boxes in the screen. Please type your registered email address in the first box and in the second box, type by this order:

In the event of an article: name of the author, name of the journal, volume, number, year and pages (example: S. DE LANGHE, The History of the Family, vol. 17, Issue 2, 2012, pp. 199-219).

In the event of a book: name of the author(s), title, place of publishing, publisher and year of publication (example: G. Alfani, V. Gourdon, Spiritual Kinship in Europe 1500-1900, London, Palgrave, 2012). In this particular case, it shall be important to type the published in order to be recognized by the DOI.

c) You may also introduce several works (articles and books) at the same time by separating each work by a blank line and making a simple query. If references are correctly inserted, the query will display the works inserted with embedded DOI. You will only have to copy and paste it to the works cited in the Bibliography of your work according to the aforementioned format.

10.- Tables/Charts: When possible, table editing command shall be used. Tables and charts shall comply with the following standards:

  • a) Shall be numbered consecutively: Table 1, Table 2…
  • b) Shall have a concise heading.
  • c) Shall include explanatory note, which shall be never combined with main text footnotes.

Tables and charts shall be reference in the main text. Example: <<Table 1>>

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14. The use of gender inclusive language is recommended in the writing of articles.