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Juan R. Coca
Social research unit on health and rare diseases. University of Valladolid
A. Rivas-Torres
Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation Group. University of Vigo
A. Cordero-Rivera
Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation Group. University of Vigo
Vol 27 (2020), Scientific popularization articles, pages 51-59
Submitted: 15-06-2020 Accepted: 13-10-2020 Published: 03-11-2020
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Sociality is one of the essential concepts to understand the relationship between biological and sociological research that define the scientific field called biosociology. In this work the characteristics of this discipline are briefly exposed and the importance of behavior in the structuring of society is shown. A set of illustrative examples are discussed with the intention of elucidating the biological bases of sociality, which are found in the behavior of organisms. From there, the social continuum is defended as a basic element of sociality in the different organisms. This leads us to propose a bio-sociological approach that includes advances in the study of niche construction by organisms, something that is especially relevant in human societies. We believe that this biosociology can provide a fruitful dialogue between social scientists, regardless of the organism with which they work.

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