Nova Acta Científica Compostelana <p><em>Nova Acta Científica Compostelana (Bioloxía)</em> is an annually published journal which publishes original and unpublished research works, in the form of articles and notes, in animal and vegetal biodiversity and ecology. <br>Furthermore, the journal publishes, in the corresponding sections, popularisation works, book recensions and all the scientific news which the Editorial Committee thinks of interest. The popularisation works do not necessarily have to stick to the aforementioned scientific fields; they can also fall under other scientific specialties, preferably related to the scope of biology.<br>The journal, of annual periodicity, is indexed in Agris,&nbsp;Biosis Preview, Zoological Records, ESCI, Algology Mycology and Protozoology Abstracts&nbsp;(Microbiology C)&nbsp;(<em>Selectivo</em>), Biological Sciences (<em>Selectivo</em>), Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management (<em>Selectivo</em>), Water Resources Abstracts (Online) (<em>Selectivo</em>),&nbsp;Inter. Inform. System for the Agricult. Sciences and Techonology (Italia), Fuente Academica Premier,&nbsp;TOC Premier, ICYT, DIALNET,&nbsp;COMPLUDOC, <a href="">REDIB</a>.</p> Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela es-ES Nova Acta Científica Compostelana 1130-9717 <p>When publishing in <em>NACC</em>, the author/authors cedes/cede all the exploitation rights of his/her/their article (including distribution, public communication, reproduction and transformation) to the University of Santiago de Compostela, which, under the conditions and within the restrictions stated in the legislation on intellectual property, is the holder of the copyright and, therefore, of all the patrimonial rights expressed, while the author/authors maintain all the moral rights corresponding to them by the law (art. 14 <a href="">TRLPI</a>).</p> <p>Not withstanding the above considerations, all contents of this edition, except where otherwise noted, are distributed open access under a Creative Commons BY NC ND 4.0 international license. Any form of reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation of this work not included under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license can only be carried out with the express authorization of the copyright holder, save where otherwise provided by the law. You can access the full text of the license at &nbsp;<a class="x_moz-txt-link-freetext" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> Bird communities after 37 years in a rural area of NW Spain <p>In a globalized world, changes in human activities are negatively affecting biodiversity at different scales. Long-term monitoring of bird communities can inform about changes in biodiversity over time. We explored how bird species richness, and abundance changed after a 37-year period at 5 sites in O Courel Mountains, a well conserved region of NW Spain. We also analyzed the abundance changes over time in the 15 most abundant species and whether these changes relate to the phenotypes of these species. Repeated bird surveys were performed in the same locations of five different sites in 1977 and 2014. Our results showed species richness and overall bird abundance did not change after 37 years within the five studied sites. Although, within species analyses showed 8 species changed their abundances. Overall, <em>Cyanistes caeruleus, Garrulus glandarius, Parus major, Prunella modularis</em> and <em>Sylvia atricapilla</em> increased their abundances and <em>Erithacus rubecula, Phylloscopus ibericus</em>, and <em>Troglodytes troglodytes</em> decreased over time. We did not find any relationship between the change in species abundances and bird phenotypes. This study shows that, despite the specific changes in the abundance of eight species over nearly four decades, overall bird species richness and abundance may be maintained in well preserved natural areas.</p> María Losada Luis Salaverri María Docampo José Guitián Mar Sobral Copyright (c) 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 30 1 17 10.15304/nacc.id7972 New records of rare ferns in Galicia <p>This work increases and updates the knowledge of the distribution of seven species of rare and/or threatened ferns (<em>Cystopteris diaphana</em> (Bory) Blasdell, <em>Cystopteris fragilis</em> (L.) Bernh., <em>Dryopteris carthusiana</em> (Vill.) H.P.Fuchs, <em>Leptogramma pozoi</em> (Lag.) Heywood and <em>Dryopteris guanchica</em> Gibby &amp; Jermy in Galicia with the contribution of 19 new records. The localities where sampling was carried out are concentrated in the province of A Coruña, in the municipalities of Arteixo, Carral, Cambre, Cerceda, Oleiros, Ordes and Sada, and the provinces of Lugo (Sober) and Pontevedra (Pontevedra). In addition to the location data, we provide information on their ecology, habitat, conservation status, demography, taxonomy, and personal observations of the species mentioned together with information on the accompanying communities.</p> Eva Martínez-Veiga Iván Rodríguez-Buján Copyright (c) 2023 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela 2023-10-02 2023-10-02 30 1 11 10.15304/nacc.id9057 Redescription of "Algarvia alba" García-Gómez & Cervera, 1989 (Mollusca, Nudibranchia, Aeolidioidea) from the Ría de Ferrol (Galicia, NW Iberian Peninsula). <p><em>Algarvia alba</em> García-Gómez &amp; Cervera, 1989 is a little-known nudibranch mollusk (Aeolidioidea: Facelinidae) that inhabits sandy-rocky substrates along the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula. This species is only known from 3 specimens, two corresponding to the type series and collected in Algarve (Portugal), and one specimen photographed in Getaria (Basque Country). The anatomy of a new specimen collected from the Ría de Ferrol is described in detail for the first time by means of X-ray microcomputed tomography (Micro-CT); this non-destructive technique allows obtaining sequential images of the sagittal, frontal and transverse planes. The systematics of Facelinidae is not properly resolved yet and therefore we propose to keep <em>Algarvia</em> in this family until more information becomes available.</p> Victoriano Urgorri Carrasco G. G. Regaliza A. Valdés M.P. Señarís Guillermo Díaz-Agras Copyright (c) 2023 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela 2023-09-03 2023-09-03 30 1 20 10.15304/nacc.id9218 Dieta y selección de pasto por garranos ("Equus ferus atlanticus") de Galicia <p>During 119 hours, distributed over 2014 and 2015, a follow-up was carried out by direct and close observation on the natural pasture consumed by two Garrano mares (<em>Equus ferus atlanticus</em>) in habitats in the southwest of Galicia. During these observations, plant species consumed by the animals, those that they avoided, and those that they tried and rejected, were distinguished.</p> <p>On average, the mares avoided consuming 57.46% of the 141 species they encountered. Among the phanerogams, certain species were eaten whenever encountered, while others were occasionally avoided, and others always avoided. The mares consumed a combination of herbaceous and woody species throughout the different seasons, among which plants of the Poaceae family and the <em>Ulex</em>genus stood out. They never ingested Basidiomycetes or cryptogams, with the sole exception of <em>Pteridium aquilinum</em> (L.) during the summer. Similarly, they also avoided consuming the tree species present except oak (<em>Quercus robur</em> L.) acorns and, on rare occasions, willow (<em>Salix atrocinerea</em> Brot.) and oak (<em>Quercus robur</em>) leaves. There was some significant seasonal variation in the diet of the animals.</p> <p>The results obtained in the present study can serve as a documentary basis for the management of the Garranos of Galicia, which are currently in a marked population decline.</p> Santiago Bas López Copyright (c) 2023 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela 2023-07-23 2023-07-23 30 1 12 10.15304/nacc.id7277 Nuevas aportaciones a la flora vascular de humedales de Galicia <p>Information and chorological data of interest on some species of vascular flora, which are unknown or have few records in Galician wetlands, are presented. Two of the species included are novelties for the Galician flora: <em>Ludwigia peploides</em> subsp. <em>montevidensis</em> and <em>Sicyos angulatus</em>, and other species are provincial novelties such as <em>Myosotis debilis</em> and <em>Potamogeton pectinatus</em>; the rest of them are very rare species or for which there are hardly any bibliographic references of their presence in their provinces for the last half century.</p> Maria Inmaculada Romero Bujan Javier Amigo Vázquez Copyright (c) 2023 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela 2023-06-19 2023-06-19 30 1 8 10.15304/nacc.id8860 Anatomical study of "Onchidella celtica" (Gastropoda, Eupulmonata, Onchidiidae) by micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). A first approach to its applicability in Onchidiidae (Gastropoda, Eupulmonata). <p>The family Onchidiidae comprises a group of air-breathing marine slugs that can be very abundant in the intertidal zone of temperate shores worldwide. Recently, the phylogeny of the genus <em>Onchidella</em> has been reassessed by means of molecular markers, but anatomical studies are still needed to support these conclusions. In the present work, the anatomy of <em>Onchidella celtica</em> has been studied by using X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT), a non-invasive technique that allows for 2D and 3D imaging of the external and internal anatomy of specimens without irreversible damage. To date, the potential of this technique for the anatomical study of onchidiids had not been assessed yet and therefore a reconstruction of the whole internal anatomy of <em>O. celtica</em> is provided here. Most of the organs and structures were clearly visualized; our observations largely agree with previous descriptions also highlighting the usefulness of micro-CT for the anatomical study of onchidiids.</p> Jesús Fernández-Gutiérrez Victoriano Urgorri María Candás Guillermo Díaz-Agras Copyright (c) 2023 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela 2023-07-12 2023-07-12 30 1 22 10.15304/nacc.id8975 Notes on Lichenicolous "Micarea" species in Spain and Macaronesia, with the description of two new species <p>Six species of <em>Micarea</em> growing lichenicolous are treated. They are mainly collected in Macaronesia or Spain. Two species, <em>Micarea</em> <em>amplissima</em> and <em>M. parasitica</em> are described as new to science. Notes on the occurring of lichenicolous <em>Micarea</em>, <em>M. kemmleri, M. peliocarpa, M. synotheoides </em>and <em>M. usneae</em> are provided.</p> Pieter Van Den Boom Javier Etayo Mª Eugenia López de Silanes Copyright (c) 2023-05-29 2023-05-29 30 1 7 10.15304/nacc.id8595