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  • Valentín Carrera Boleas
Valentín Carrera Boleas
Vol 1 (2015), Articles
Submitted: 18-09-2015 Accepted: 18-09-2015
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Televised debates are the keystone of modern election campaigns. In Spain, however, they are still too hidebound by the old principles of political communication before television. Politicians are the main cause of this deficiency.
The negotiation’s still being controlled by parties and develops without taking into account candidates, guidelines of the new communication policy, nor the new TV codes, or voters themselves, just become spectators. It appeals strongly that debates are a democratic right of citizens but are systematically kept on the sidelines.
In this research we have analyzed the process that ends in the holding of electoral debates. We have studied how candidates prepare their appearances, the most important challenge faced during a campaign. And we have incorporated the teachings of Daniel Kahneman to conclude that the brain of the candidates is systematically ignored in the preparation of the debates.
The aesthetic and formal issues are cared. Messages and ideas will work force. But it ignores the minds of the candidates and the role that must be played on the face to face. From this analysis, we conclude that the debates in Spain require a total reworking that demand more from the candidates and that should be really useful for voters.
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