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Paz Mercedes De la Cuesta Aguado
Catedrática de Derecho penal Universidad de Cantabria
Vol 45 (2024), Articles, pages 1-19
Submitted: 24-04-2024 Accepted: 21-05-2024 Published: 01-06-2024
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he current legal-criminal concept of prostitution does not adapt well to the requirements of the principle of taxativity. The Penal Code itself uses it in different senses and, sometimes, with respect to very close conduct, it does not use it. The ordinary meaning of “prostitution” is conditioned with ideological and gender prejudices. This article calls for its rationalization, to put emphasis on consent to dispose of one's own body, with some requirements: first, the same concept of consent - and the causes that invalidate it – must be adopted for all cases in which that the body itself is involved; second, that it does not serve to hide sexual assaults; and, third, that it does not serve to hide situations of exploitation, servitude or slavery. All these issues must be reviewed in relation to the legislative initiatives underway and require a systematic review of the entire Penal Code.