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Concepción Campos Acuña
Concello de Vigo
Vol 27 No Ext (2018): El principio de transparencia y buen gobierno en Galicia, Extraordinario
Submitted: 30-01-2019 Accepted: 31-01-2019 Published: 16-02-2019
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The adoption of LETAI has meant a turning point in the Organization and operation of public administrations, as a measure of democratic regeneration, that allow a proper accountability and the road to the Government open through transparency, participation and collaboration. This transformation presents special difficulties at the local level, given the complex configuration of the local plant and the shortage of material and personal resources of local authorities. This paper analyzes the impact of transparency at the local level through the various elements that compose it, from the perspective of basic legislation, the regional and the future objectives for institutions that make up the local administration.
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