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Sergio Javier Barrionuevo
Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento Universidad de Buenos Aires CONICET
Vol 43 No 2 (2024), Studies
Submitted: 24-05-2023 Accepted: 03-01-2024 Published: 26-02-2024
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Anachronism, which involves the application of concepts or ideas from one era to another, is considered one of the most serious errors in historical narrative. The historiographical current known as conceptual history is one of those that recognizes and seeks to avoid this problem. In this context, Elias J. Palti has argued that the concept of “the political” originated in the modern era. According to his argument, using this concept to analyze earlier societies could lead to misunderstandings and distortions in the understanding of how they functioned. However, the aim of this article is to challenge this perspective and propose the possibility of applying the concept of “the political” to the study of pre-modern societies. Instead of automatically rejecting the application of modern concepts, it seeks to explore how they can enrich our understanding of history, even in temporal contexts different from their own.