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Lorenzo Mariano
Universidad de Extremadura
Vol 42 No 1 (2023), Studies
Submitted: 23-11-2021 Accepted: 21-02-2022 Published: 03-01-2023
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The epistemological bases of the biomedical model were consolidated throughout the 20th century in an approach as scientific as physics. The heritage of the medical art or tekhné, with its evident humanistic influence, was pushed aside in favour of empiricist rhetoric and the authoritarian discourse of statistics and clinical trials. However, in the twilight of the same century, there was a renewed interest in recovering hermeneutic and interpretative approaches to patients' experiences, which had been pushed aside and marginalized as they were conceived under the suspicion of the subjective. This article, articulated from the analysis of the emergence of Narrative Based Medicine and Narrative Therapy, describes the processes of transference and the impact that anthropology and the social sciences have had on contemporary medical epistemology.